The Sun in the Houses

The Sun represents ego, vitality, inner personality. 

Where ever the sun placement falls, you take on characteristics of whatever zodiacal sign rules that house. If you sun is in the first house, then you take on Aries characteristics. If the sun is in your Eighth house, you take on Scorpio characteristics.

The only way to find out where your sun falls in your chart, is through a natal calculator. You’ll need the exact time of birth.


The Sun in the First House

                Keywords: Vitality, Courageous, Confident

Confident and strong-willed person who exudes natural leadership abilities. People with this placement take on characteristics of Aries and can have a ruddy complexion. This type of person is very optimistic and had a good childhood. They are extroverted and popular. People with the Sun in the first house are blessed with good health and a strong sense of self. They tend to be sturdy people with endurance.

Just like Lucille Ball, whose sun was in her first house, you are creative, optimistic and vibrant like. You radiate positive energy just like the sun. When you walk into a room people notice you. You could even have a unique style. You are friendly and others find you inspiring.  



The Sun in the Second House

                Keywords: Financial

You had wealthy or prominent parents. You know many influential people and spend a lot of money on status symbols. You probably love the finer things in life. You don’t mind spending all your money on extravagance. You have a lucky way with money; it just seems to come to you, but you can easily lose it.

You might have a high sense of self-worth. Your identity is attached to how you earn money and the things you own. Sometimes the confidence only comes through when they are surrounded by material items.

Challenging aspects bring out selfish snobby behavior. You won’t want to share and might even steal things that you believe you are entitled to.


The Sun in the Third House

                Keywords: Communicative

You are good at speaking and writing. You have pleasant experiences with neighbors and siblings and treat your friends like family. You had a happy childhood. You could also be a twin.

When you are angry, everyone will know because you’ll want to talk it out. When you are happy, everyone will know because you’ll talk it out. You are not afraid to speak your mind. You have a flair for writing and were probably writing from an early age.

You are a social butterfly and very talkative even if they are introverted. You are very curious about life.

Challenging aspects can bring about misunderstandings with relatives. You could be disorganized and arrogant.


The Sun in the Fourth House

                Keywords: Domestic

You had a strong home foundation growing up. Since you probably had a strong foundation growing up, you tend to love your home. It’s a nurturing, safe place for you to relax. This is a good placement for real estate. A career in real estate or interior design are in your wheel house.

Your health will be good in the later part of your life. You tend to keep secrets and are a good confidant because of your strong need for protection.

You are an intuitive person who leads with their heart. You want to consult with your family first before making decisions. You will want to start a family earlier rather than later.

If you have challenging aspects, you might want to leave home early.


The Sun in the Fifth House

                Keywords: Magnetic

Popular and magnetic you attract the opposite sex often. You could have many romances in your life. You are good with children and pets.

Good placement for acting, teaching, sports.

Sun in the 5th house means you are creative and energetic. You love to entertain and throw parties. Party planning and networking are good fields for you. You are light hearted.

Difficult aspects you could exploit others or become an exhibitionist. Your pride hurt your relationships.


The Sun in the Sixth House

                Keywords: Capable

You are a good administrator because of your organizational skills. You take pride in your work and are usually very healthy. You take pride in your body, so you keep it clean with good hygiene, exercise and diet. You thrive when you have a regular routine. Your mind can affect your health, so it’s important to always keep a positive attitude. A person with this placement usually wants to be in service to humanity in some capacity. They can be very athletic.

You could be a health junkie. Your identity is tied to your routine and your work ethic. When you don’t have a routine, you don’t know what to do with yourself. When you join groups, you’re the one that gets promoted easier than others because of your strong work ethic.

Challenging aspects can bring difficulty working for others.


The Sun in the Seventh House

                Keywords: Companionable

You can’t really function without partnerships. This placement favors couples who work together. Marriage is the key to your happiness and you will marry well. People like you because you are so easy going. Try not to be such a push over. You could have luck with all legal dealings.

Your partnerships are a reflection or mirror to yourself. People will naturally want to be your best friend. You can lose yourself in your relationships/partnerships. You do not work good alone.

Challenging aspects can bring petty fights in marriage.


The Sun in the Eighth House

                Keywords: Regenerative

Inheritances and legacies are important to you. You will probably receive some inheritance from your father. Relationships with the father are probably poor though. You are very creative and have a good sex life. An interest in politics, the occult and death.

You will go through many transformations throughout life. You will have multiple careers and identities. You could be very secretive. You could be a catalyst for others. You love psychology and getting to the root of a person. You are always analyzing yourself.

You may like the occult, witchy things, astrology, tarot and mysteries.  You can be very philosophical.

Challenging aspects bring difficulties with money. You could suffer from losing your father in childhood or have an absentee father. Difficulties with male figures.



The Sun in the Ninth House

                Keywords: Adventurous

You love higher education and could meet your spouse over seas or in school. You could excel in languages, law and religion. You love traveling and exploring parts of the world. People tend to like you because of your innate curiosity with different cultures. You could have foreign-born parent or will marry a foreigner. Good placement for philosophy.

You express yourself through your own truth and justice. You want to expand your identity and grow infinitely.  

Challenging aspects could bring about self-righteousness.


The Sun in the Tenth House

                Keywords:  Responsible

You are either famous or extremely popular in your neighborhood or social group. You could have a niche group or be “tik tok famous” or “Instagram famous.” You definitely draw people in with your strong constitution and determined vibe. People can really rely on you and you won’t let them down. You love power and politics. You aren’t a wallflower and people always remember you.

Your reputation is very important to you and you could have a favorable position in the public eye. Your career is your identity, so it HAS to be something you love. You might love being an entrepreneur because you work well as a leader.

Challenging aspects can bring about a rebellious streak that can get you in trouble. You can turn into a tyrant.


The Sun in the Eleventh House

                Keywords: Individual

You either have a wide group of social friends or are reclusive. You tend to prefer having many acquaintances over a few close friends. You are inspiring and tend to be scientific. You are a very organized person.

Your identity is tied to whatever groups you have. You can even be the leader or administrator of a group. Forming groups and networking are extremely important to you.                

Challenging aspects can bring about a cold, distanced aloofness and disconnection from individual strive.


The Sun in the Twelfth House

                Keywords: Secretive

You prefer working behind the scenes, but you also are good at hiding your true feelings, so this placement favors actors. You could have had a very strict life before the age of 30. You enjoy working with charities because you like to help the underdog.

You could feel isolated and lonely. The Sun in the Twelfth house will often not be recognized for the work they do. People usually can’t figure out the true you.

You probably find religion, metaphysics or spirituality soothing. You could have wanted to be a minister or preacher as a kid.

You have hidden talents that usually aren’t apparent. You are really, really creative. Instead of the lead singer in a band, you might play the drums.

You can wallow in your own self-pity at times and may not have very many friends.

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