Jupiter in the Houses


  • Jupiter represents Power, Generosity, Expansion, Wealth, Luck and Prosperity.


  • Jupiter rules Sagittarius and is exalted in Cancer.


Jupiter in the 1st House

You have a recognizable persona. When you walk into the room, people notice you. People respect you. Optimistic and upbeat. Confident. You will stand out in your friend group. You always want to be the best and excel very quickly in whatever field you go into.


Celebrities with Jupiter in the 1st House:

Rihanna, Queen Elizabeth the 2nd and Whitney Houston.


Jupiter in the 2nd House

Wealth placement. People with this placement are lucky with money. You probably feel like you want everything and all of it. Can be a little boastful. You love luxury items and can over spend. They can be totally over indulgent, but also really fun. These people want to expand their wealth.


Celebrities with Jupiter in the 2nd House:

Kyle Jenner, Bill Clinton, Princess Diana and Bill Gates.


Jupiter in the 3rd House

Probably have a melodic voice. You are a good public and motivational speaker. The things you say hold sway over others. You are positive and upbeat. This is a good cheerleader position. You speak your own truth. This placement favors learning languages fast. You make a good professor or writer. Communication is key.


Celebrities with Jupiter in the 3rd House:

Meghan Markle, Lana Del Rey, and Leonardo Davinci.


Jupiter in the 4th House


You could have a big family. Your own immediate family could have spoiled you by providing you with a lot of emotional support. You could like traveling with your family. If you don’t come from a big family, you might want to make your own large family. You are good at expressing your emotions.


Celebrities with Jupiter in the 4th House:


Empress Catherine the Great of Russia had Jupiter in her 4th house. It was in the zodiacal sign of Cancer and Cancer is exalted in Jupiter. This was why she was able to expand her country. Cancer rules the 4th house.


Other celebrities with Jupiter in the 4th house are Catherine the Duchess of Cambridge, Billie Eilish, Timothee Chalamet, and Mark Zuckerberg.


Jupiter in the 5th House

Creative and romantic house placement. You are a very creative person. There is a child-like wonder with the world. Could love parties. Jobs that are ideal would be a party planner and great hostesses. You have your choice when it comes to romantic opportunities. Watch out for wasteful spending leisure and frivolous pursuits.


Celebrities with Jupiter in the 5th House:

Elon Musk, Miley Cyrus, Sigmund Freud and Tom Cruise.


Jupiter in the 6th House

This is the employee of the month placement! You are easy to work with. You love working and expanding your mind. Healthy is accentuated. You could be a gym rat and you are also very healthy. You rarely get sick. You could be a health nut and excel in the healthcare industry.


Celebrities with Jupiter in the 6th House:

Carl Sagan, Oprah Winfrey, Mariah Carey, and Heidi Klum.



Jupiter in the 7th House

You thrive in partnerships and will marry your soulmate. You will always benefit from your romantic partner. They could be wealthy and influential. Your friends are powerful or you could benefit from them. Indicates a large friend group. You could be very impactful person on other people too.


Celebrities with Jupiter in the 7th House:

Vladimir Putin, Angela Merkle and Marilyn Monroe.



Jupiter in the 8th house

Jupiter In the 8th house usually means you will marry someone wealthy or benefit from inheritance. People just give you things. Magnet for other people’s money. They could be a sexually interesting person with a diverse group of partners. Occult knowledge and deeper truth of life comes easily for you. Good professions are anything in the occult, astrology or metaphysical practices. There is a small obsession with death, life and rebirth. They are balanced about death and life and do not fear it. This placement favors a long life with a peaceful death.


Celebrities with Jupiter in the 8th House:

Taylor Swift, Joe Biden, Jared Leto, Carl Jung and Elizabeth Taylor



Jupiter in the 9th House

Loves traveling. Travel bloggers. Philosophical and loves different cultures and languages. Favors higher learning. Good placement for PhD candidate. Loves learning things and will seek out higher education. You are faithful, but can be arrogant.


Celebrities with Jupiter in the 9th House:

Ariana Grande, David Bowie, Ryan Reynolds and Michael Jordan.



Jupiter in the 10th House

Jupiter in the 10th house indicates leadership abilities, dream jobs and even fame in business or politics. You are successful, ambitious, self-reliant and honest. This is a lucky placement for Jupiter. The native could change their career at least once in their life. People with Jupiter in the 10th house tend to light up a room.


Celebrities with Jupiter in the 10th House:

Ronald Reagan, Angelina Jolie and Kim Kardashian.


Jupiter in the 11th House

Jupiter in the 11th house indicates strong social circles. The native could have a strong social media presence. People follow, subscribe and like often! Natives have many friends. They are sociable and loving. It is easy to gain a large social media following online with minimal effort. You learn best in groups.


Celebrities with Jupiter in the 11th House:

Zendaya and Kanye West.


Jupiter in the 12th House

Either spiritual or religious. You could have many hidden talents. Very good at manifestation. This placement indicates that you are protected by your guardian angel. You can be very charitable and want to help other people. You usually don’t get credit for the work you do or help people in the background. You could secretly give to charities. You tend to rely on other people when you could just do it yourself. This can lead to self-doubt.


Celebrities with Jupiter in the 12th House:

Jeff Bezos, Queen Elizabeth I, Martin Luther King Jr, Beyonce and Gloria Steinem.

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