Moon in Leo

Moon in Leo Fixed Fire 5th House Keywords: Active, Dramatic Moon in Leo natives have a special affinity for romance and friendships. To call them hopelessly romantic would be an understatement. Emotionally they thrive on being hopelessly romantic. It fulfills them...

Jupiter in the Houses

  Jupiter represents Power, Generosity, Expansion, Wealth, Luck and Prosperity.   Jupiter rules Sagittarius and is exalted in Cancer.   Jupiter in the 1st House You have a recognizable persona. When you walk into the room, people notice you. People...

Moon in Libra

  Moon in Libra Cardinal Air 7th House  Rules Venus Keywords:  Charming, Adaptable, Indecisive, Romantic Moon in Libra is a romantic placement that favors beauty, art and sensuality. These natives need to surround themselves with objects of comfort and luxury....

Moon Signs

Moon Signs in Astrology   The Moon relates to your emotional nature and how you feel about things. The Moon sign is what and how you dream and describes your daydreams. These are your secret fantasies that you feel before you can think of them. The Moon is your...

Moon in Cancer

Moon in Cancer Cardinal Water 4th House Keywords: Intuitive, Receptive, Protective Moon in Cancer is the natural placement for the Moon. Astrologers call this a domicile. A Moon in Cancer native will feel at peace exploring and staying in touch with her emotions. Her...

Moon in Gemini

Moon in Gemini Mutable Air 3rd House Keywords: Cerebral, Curious, Adaptable, Versatile, Inconsistent Moon in Gemini is much more cerebral than other Moon positions. This is a chatty side to the moon, where natives feel emotionally secure when they can talk out their...