Moon in Virgo

loving and have an radiant glow.

If you have an inner weirdo flag, it’s even better. Anything that is super interesting, uncommon and unique drives them. Animals and children gravitate towards them. They love the fact that animals and kids act authentically. There isn’t any pretense and they love that.

Many Moon in Leo natives

love show business, theater, the arts, music and painting. If life gets suddenly boring, they might just put on a flamboyant show for you. There is a magnetism that draws people in, warms the heart and lifts the spirits. You might find them at the center of attention. Their dynamic sense of humor they attract people into their world.


A negative trait to Moon in

Leo would be vanity. They love to adorn themselves with jewels, fashion or being fit and healthy. These natives might want praise so much that they seek it out without thinking of the consequences. It’s really all about how that compliment feels rather than the logical side of it. They can easily get hoodwinked just so they can suck up all the adoration.

Luxurious lifestyles, expensive clothing, silk sheets and 5-star resorts are all things Moon in Leo natives will be drawn too. They have absolutely extravagant taste. Overindulging in every part of life just feels right for them. You will rarely see them in old sweat pants and worn-out tennis shoes. Even if they can’t afford new clothing, they will take meticulous care of their wardrobe.

Their house is probably lavish and set up for hosting many posh parties. Throwing grand, fabulous parties is a knack with comes easily for them. These natives are outgoing, active and extremely sociable.

The Moon’s zodiacal sign tells how the native perceives the mother. A native with a Moon in Leo thinks their mother was larger than life. She was the center of attention and might have been prominent or notable in the community. She was a dominant force in your life and sought to outshine you. This could have led to your need for praise later in life.

In a man’s chart the moon shows us what he looks for in a partner. They are looking for someone dynamic, exciting and always on the go. If you are a little quirky this is even better. They want romance, roses and all the fabulous extravagances that come with being in love. If you aren’t romantic then a moon in Leo isn’t for you.

Celebrities with Moon in Leo

Lana Del Rey (Sun in Cancer, Scorpio Rising)

Tom Cruise (Sun in Cancer, Scorpio Rising)

Megan Fox (Sun in Taurus, Capricorn Rising)

Paris Hilton (Sun in Aquarius, Sagittarius Rising)

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