Sun in Aquarius

aquarius astrology sun sign

Sun in Aquarius

January 20 – February 18

  • I Know
  • Element: Air
  • Eleventh house ruler
  • Planet ruler Uranus
  • Fixed
  • Body Parts: Ankles, Calves, Lower Legs, Circulatory System, Pineal Gland (inherited from Uranus)
  • Tarot: Star, 5 of Swords (Venus in Aquarius), 6 of Swords (Mercury in Aquarius), 7 of Swords (Moon in Aquarius)
  • Masculine


Keywords: Humanity, Independent, Altruistic

Negative Keywords: Rebellious, Unpredictable, Detached


Meaning of Sun in Aquarius 


The first thing we need to understand about Aquarians are that no two are exactly alike. They thrive in their own uniqueness. Though, one quality they all possess is their high level of intelligence. Linda Goodman, a highly respected astrologer wrote, “over seventy percent of the people in the Hall of Fame are either Sun Aquarians or have Aquarian ascendants (Goodman pg. 397).” They want to know, so they seek books, information and people.

They can easily disassemble a computer and put it back together again. They seem to be especially adept at technology. This is especially true if they were born in the late 70s or early 80s when computers were the newest thing. These bright souls saw the future in computers and were usually involved with them in some capacity. Even if they lament, “I hate technology,” then go on to build several websites, fix a snippet of code and proceed to create a composite in photoshop. When you look at them peculiarly because they’ve just confessed to “hating technology,” they might shrug it off and say, “I just googled it.” Most Aquarians are so humble by their intelligence, they don’t even know how high it is.

I’ve known two Aquarius men, both of whom worked in the computer related field. This type of investigating, learning, putting pieces back together to create a whole is the perfect thing for the Aquarius mind-set. They are the humanitarian of the zodiac. This humanitarian style seeps out into everything they touch; they want to bring all the small pieces to create a whole. This future oriented and ever-changing technological world is the perfect avenue for an Aquarian.

Many Aquarians are good at learning new languages. There is something very mysterious about a new language and many Aquarians take to learning a new language like a fish to water. They want to be in contact with all people. They understand that to connect to another human being is often done by speaking the other person’s mother tongue. They love finding out what makes a person do the things they do and a language barrier shouldn’t impede them.

They are usually never shocked by anything they find. You’ll see Sun in Aquarius with many friends, but they usually don’t have a “best friend.” They want to be in the know and know everyone. This is where they get the “detached” vibe. Just when you think you’ve made an Aquarian your best friend, they have wandered off to some new adventure. It’s not that they don’t care, they do, but they just are always looking to the future. They might surprise you that they can remember details that even you can’t remember. If they have a strong Cancerian rising or moon, they will never forget anything.

There is a paradox to the true Aquarian that might repulse you or make you become fascinated by them. At first, they seem nonchalant, but then they go on to ask you a million questions, act completely mesmerized by everything you say and then they disappear. Once the puzzle is solved, they tuck you into their back pocket for a later time, but don’t worry they are social butterflies. You’ll be invited to the party they are going to throw or you’ll get an unexpected birthday card that makes you think they do care. It’s just that they care about everyone, not just you. They want to make sure everyone is taken care of, filed, and compartmentalized.

The flip side to this is that they seek out mysterious things. Nothing is more boring for an Aquarius than everything being laid out for them. They want to investigate on their own. They want to solve the puzzle, the cube, the game or you. They like to find out what makes people do the things they do. They might ask you a thousand questions, but they don’t like being asked direct blunt questions.

They don’t see their aloof mannerisms as off putting. To them, they are warm and friendly. They literally love the entire world. They also reside in a special place inside their own world. I know an Aquarius who is so aloof, she isn’t even aware of when she does it. She ran into an old friend one day on the subway. She smiled and said, “Hello. Nice to see you again.” Then jumps on her train and off she goes. Years later she learns that the person she met thought they were being blown off. She replied, “No, I knew that we would meet again when the time was right. I was also a little busy. I had my 6-month baby with me, had to get her to daycare, then get myself to work. I didn’t have time for a chat. I thought we would chat later.” She’s on her own train, her own adventure. If you’re lucky enough to go on a ride with an Aquarian, do it, but only if you enjoy a mysterious ride down all things interesting and vague. How does she do it? It’s the Aquarian paradox only she knows how to solve.

With all the paradoxes and forward thinking, Aquarius is still a fixed sign, which makes them proud and often stubborn in their opinion, until a new and more fascinating idea comes along for them to adopt. Aquarians are consistent in an inconsistent way. You can always expect a birthday card (consistent), but she may not call you every year for a birthday chat.

They often appear calm, aloof and in control, but their minds are usually analyzing you so fast that the future is in their tunnel vision. They have a way of living for tomorrow and seeing tomorrow. An Aquarius without foresight usually plays the fool. Aquarius has a plan, which is part of their fixed air nature. They may not share their plan with you, but they have a plan.

All the Aquarians that I’ve met are highly educated, whether they teach themselves or have a graduate degree, these people need to know. An Aquarius probably came up with the quote, “Knowledge is power.” This knowledge is part of their plan. I knew one Aquarius who only took classes that she knew would further her knowledge. Most people were dumbfounded that she wasn’t seeking a degree. She was thinking about the future where she could use those accounting classes (she’ll do her own taxes, thank you very much) or that creative writing class (she wrote several books). But call her smart and she’ll just claim you have to take the same class. This might be where Aquarians get their “superiority” vibe from. She’s oblivious at first to the fact that not everyone can take a class and just output the information. Once she catches on to her own genius, she will never make you feel bad again. These are the humanitarians of the zodiac. They want you to feel like you are part of the group.

They make good teachers since they believe anyone can learn anything. “I googled it and read some books,” doesn’t cut it for everyone, but an Aquarius is good at disseminating information and feeding it back to you in a way that you understand. They care if you understand, so they take an invested interest in all the ways you can learn. For instance, in mathematics there is always more than one way to solve an equation or problem. An Aquarius has already figured them all out and is eager to show you.

Aquarians find it hard to dislike anyone. Aquarians are the humanitarian of the zodiac, so they love everyone. They are often soft spoken, but inside their heads they are analyzing you and the situation. The loud ones usually have a strong Aries or Leo in their chart. A typical Aquarius is checking boxes, filtering lies, compiling truths, and being airy about it all. As if they don’t care, but they do. They just love everything and no-thing. They will forgive people easily because they have to know why someone will do the things they do. Even if they get into a conflict, they will want to understand why, so they can forgive and move on.

They aren’t the jealous type at all. Though, we could find some that are threatened by someone else. I dated an Aquarius for five years. He was jealous once. It happened one afternoon, when a male platonic friend ran into us. Apparently, my boyfriend thought my platonic, married friend was a “hot 10 with big muscles.” We had been dating at least 18 months and I had never seen my boyfriend act that way. He never acted that way again, but would often mention this big muscled “hunk” for a few weeks, but typically it turned into a joke for us. I would just roll my eyes and say, “But I have you!”  Funny thing, both men were Aquarians. My platonic friend was typically collecting people, including me. He never had any interest in dating me. Anyone can be jealous, but it’s not a strong Aquarian trait.

Friends are the essence of the Aquarius lifestyle, though you may notice that they know many people, but only superficially. They may not have a best friend and when they choose to marry someone that person becomes their best friend. Every Aquarius I know thinks of their significant other as a best friend.

Give me freedom or give me death was probably spoken by an Aquarius too.


Famous Aquarius Celebrities

 Jennifer Aniston 

Justin Timberlake 

Paris Hilton 

Ronald Reagan 



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