Sun in Virgo

virgo glyph 2

Sun in Virgo

August 23- September 22

  • I Analyze
  • Earth
  • Sixth house ruler
  • Planet ruler: Mercury
  • Exultation Mercury
  • Some discussion on Chiron ruling Virgo since Mercury rules both Gemini and Virgo
  • Mutable
  • Rules nervous system, liver, intestines, chyle
  • Feminine
  • Tarot: Hermit, 8 of Pentacles (Sun in Virgo), 9 of Pentacles (Venus in Virgo), 10 of Pentacles (Mercury in Virgo)

Keywords: Analytical, Methodical, Conscientious, Practical

Negative Keywords: Critical, Unemotional, Hypochondriac

Virgo Meaning

Virgo Personality

Virgos are neat, organized and methodical in their approach to life. They have one of the best work ethics in the zodiac, which can lead to massive career success. Promotions at work are always on the horizon. In fact, many Virgos might place work above their spouse and children. Their soul mission is to excel at work. They are driven to succeed even early in life, they are often misunderstood in childhood. Their methodical, organized approach is often misdiagnosed as OCD.

Virgo rules the 6th house of work and health. It is the last house below the horizon. Below the horizon is where we do all the personal work on ourselves. Above the horizon is what we give to the social world. The 6th house rules the personal house of work, where the 10th house is the occupation you show to the world. Virgo fits perfectly into this house’s spectrum. They probably love to work and take great pride in their accomplishments. Work for a Virgo encompasses all that they do whether it is yard work, cleaning your home, or washing your car. It doesn’t just rule the occupation you choose.

Virgos are extremely analytical. They are often found overthinking and tend to worry too much. Having a routine is essential for optimal Virgo functionality. Like Gemini, Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury. Both signs like to use their minds, but Virgos need a purpose. Without a purpose, Virgos will lose all will power. 

Careers that Virgos excel at are doctors, nurses, bookkeeping, accounting and business. 

Virgos handle money very well and enjoy book keeping, accounting and business. They have a shrewd, detached nature to them that benefits business. I know two Virgos who both work with numbers. One is now the president of a bank and the other is a web programmer who owns his own business. Both are methodical and organized.

A Virgo is constantly asking why or how something works. This makes them good engineers or programmers. They will take apart a situation or even a gadget, just so they can put it back together again. Or if it’s a situation with a person, they likely won’t be able to rationally put the situation back together. Their words will cut deeply and they are shrewd and good with words. They like everything to fit in neat little peg holes, but this isn’t the reality. They often fail to see a bigger picture because they get so caught up in the details. This has to do with the polarity of Pisces. Each sign has an opposite sign, which both complements and pulls in the other direction. Pisces will see the bigger picture and have faith that everything can work out.

One of Virgo’s biggest lessons is to be able to see that bigger picture and trust that the universe/god/whatever you want to call it is working behind the scenes. They often fear fate and dismiss religion. 

Virgos can be control freaks. An unorganized house or desk can drive them bananas. Everything must have a place. I knew another Virgo who had a drinking problem. When she opened her refrigerator, she only had cans of beer. These cans of beer were lined up in perfect order where we could clearly see the label. After she bought her first house, she would wait to decorate to ensure that she found the perfect piece for every room. Everything had to match. Thankful she found a wonderful man to marry, who had a flair for decorating.

Virgos tend to be habitual, so it’s not strange that many Virgo’s are smokers. My first roommate was a Virgo and she was a heavy smoker. It seems almost contrary to a clean freak Virgo, but they have a lot of nervous energy that they need to expend. If they don’t smoke, they need exercise. Even sex can be considered an “exercise.” Virgos need a healthy sex life in order to function optimally. Don’t be surprised by the Virgin glyph. It’s actually a sheath, for harvesting fresh wheat. Joanne Martine Woolfolk wrote, “Virgo people take what is sown (knowledge, information, skills) and harvest this energy to do something of practical benefit.”

Virgos are very practical. They are human sponges often reading and analyzing the information that they have learned. You won’t find a Virgo taking a class that is “just for fun.” They need to know what purpose the course will provide for their life. They are often very conscientious of things around them.

Virgos are very disciplined. They work tirelessly to get the job done right. Failure isn’t an option. They don’t think in terms of failing. Failure is when they give up and they usually won’t give up when they focus their energy on an important cause. As one of my fortune cookies says, “A man isn’t a failure until he gives up.” This sums up Virgo’s disciplined nature. This mutable earth sign will find a way around any wall. They will work carefully and methodically to achieve their goals.

Virgo rules the intestines where a substance called chyle is made. When a Virgo is operating at an esoteric and spiritual level, they have the ability to release this sacred chyle in the body. 

In the metaphysical world, chyle is produced when your body is pure, healthy and spiritual optimal. This is often misinterpreted as the Virgin Mary’s milk that nourished Jesus Christ. It is also called the mother’s milk because it supposedly nourished Jesus Christ. This is not a reference to the mammary glands, but this sacred substance chyle. It’s why Christians refer to Mary as the “Virgin Mary.” 

The Hermit in tarot is assigned to Virgo. The Hermit is the wise older man, who has learned to use his mind and body for a higher purpose. In esoteric tarot and astrology, the Hermit rules over chyle because the Hermit has learned to use it to purify and expand his conscious awareness.

The shadow side to Virgo is worry. They can worry themselves into intestinal problems such as diarrhea, constipation, ulcers and even liver problems. They tend to think about all the possible what-ifs scenarios. According to string theory, there are an infinite amount of possibilities and a Virgo will literally want to think of all of them even if some of them can’t possibly be reasonable

Another aspect of the shadow side to Virgo is promiscuity. They can become unorganized, sloppy and throw themselves in useless relationship after useless relationship. 

If you Sun falls in your 6th house, you will often appear like a Virgo and have a lot of Virgo traits such as organization, service to others and a really strong work ethic.


Virgo Physical Appearance

The physical appearance can take form in both the sun and rising sign. Genetics also play a factor.

When trying to spot a Virgo, look for a lithe, slim body and soft quiet eyes. There is an innocence that is held in the eyes, cheeks and soft, crystal clear gaze they give. They always seem alert and ready to go. 

Virgos have a neat and tidy appearance. The fastidiousness of a Virgo translates into their appearance. Their shirts are always tucked in, their gloves never dirty and their makeup is always crisp and perfect. If they have that shower-fresh smell, it’s probably because they just came out of the shower. A Virgo can literally shower 3 times a day.



Virgo in Love

Virgos have a tendency to over analyze a situation. This can be in their detriment if their Venus is in Virgo. A person who has a Sun in Virgo and a Venus in Virgo might pass on a potential partner if the potential companion has one tiny flaw. The tendency for a Virgo to marry late is due to their overly discriminating nature.

They can also be easily hurt, but won’t show it. Once a Virgo has been hurt, they tend to bottle it all up inside. You may not even know why a Virgo is upset until they explode on you like Mount Vesuvius.

Inwardly and emotionally Virgos can be very sensitive. After all, they have overanalyzed their feelings. They can often get hurt easily, hold these grudges forever and then release them on you like a surprise guerilla attack. The polarity of Virgo-Pisces is that they must learn to let go and forgive.


Famous Celebrities with a Sun in Virgo

Beyoncé September 4, 1981 in Houston, Texas

Kobe Bryant August 23, 1978 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Tim Burton August 25, 1958 at 11:49 pm in Burbank, California

Lyndon B. Johnson August 27, 1908 at 5:40 am in Stonewall, Texas

Florence Welch August 28, 1986 in Camberwell, Victoria, Australia

Michael Jackson August 29, 1958 at 7:33 pm in Gary, Indiana

Cameron Diaz August 30, 1972 at 2:53 am in San Diego California

Mary Shelley August 30, 1797 at 11:20 pm London, England

Bebe Rexha August 30, 1989 Brooklyn, New York

Salma Hayek September 2, 1966 in Veracruz, Mexico

Zendaya September 1, 1996 in Oakland, California

Rose McGowan September 5, 1973 at 11:38 pm in Florence, Italy

Bernie Sanders September 8, 1941 at 12:27 pm in New York City, NY

Margaret Trudeau September 10, 1948 at 1:00pm in Vancouver, Canada

Tyler Perry September 13, 1969 at 9:00 am in New Orleans, Louisiana

Amy Poehler September 16, 1971 at 4:33 pm in Newton, Massachusetts

Nick Jonas September 16, 1992 at 3:39 pm in Dallas, Texas

Sophia Loren September 20, 1934 at 2:10 pm in Rome, Italy

Leonard Cohen September 21, 1934 at 6:45 am in Montreal, Quebec, Canada

George R.R. Martin September 20, 1948 at 9:25 pm in Bayonne, New Jersey, USA

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